Friday, March 12, 2021

Secrets of the Solar Cycle, redux


Nick van Laer

Nov. 13 2020

My Father's Birthday.

Some notes on the nature of sunspots

If one is able to sense the emanations of the sun directly, a wide range of solar energies become available to the inner organism not just as passive, but as active supports for life, feeling, and inner work.

Sunspots play a special role for all the planets and sentient organisms in a particular solar system. Sunspots are the results of the inner work of the sun, as it matures from within the inner Being of the sun and emerges on its surface. 

Each of these regions is the product of an unfathomable amount of conscious labor and intentional suffering. The flares that they emit represent the expansion of the love and anguish consequent to such labor and suffering. These have a profound impact upon the being of both planets and smaller sentient awarenesses in each solar system.

It is not just about the flares and their dramatic impacts. The sunspot itself does work over a long period of time, little of it visible to us. All along it digests and matures the effort of its own inner work. 

This means that a sunspot may begin by emanating a particular influence; and that may have one effect on a person’s work. Yet as the sunspot ages, grows, matures, and slowly fades, it reaches a point where the work it has undertaken attains a reproductive zenith and dispenses its benefits. (Its work is esoterically sexual.) This part towards the end of a sunspot’s existence provides very rich food for the spiritual growth of the rest of the solar system.

Human beings are capable of participating in this cycle of spiritual food throughout the course of their existence if they become open to the direct influence of solar emanations. 

This can either take place harmoniously or inharmoniously. That is to say, one can be either consciously or unconsciously influenced by solar emanations; and within that range, one can either be harmonized with the vibrations, or end up in a dissonant condition. 

Dissonant conditions produce pathologies. Of all the pathologies that can arise in relation to solar energies within systems, unconscious dissonant influence produces the most pathologies.

We could roughly map the four different states of solar confluence within individual humans as follows:



Conscious/dissonant (Hasnamussian)


Be well within today.



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