Monday, April 4, 2022

A New Basis For Understanding My Own Nothingness

UGC 2885 ("Rubin's galaxy")
Image credit: NASA/ Hubble
This galaxy contains an estimated 1 trillion stars.
Thank you, Vera Rubin.

Lying in bed this morning, attempting to become as responsible as possible to the entire sensation of the body, a few things occurred to me.

First of all, the organic sensation arises everywhere within, from the sum total of the microcosmoses from which the body is made. 

This microcosmos extends from the quantum state up through the atomic and molecular levels and into the cells. The microcosmos is, in its totality, the source of sensation; so sensation — organic sensation, the sensation of presence — does not arise within a particular center. In fact it includes all the centers and is the foundation upon which their activity rests. 

In this way it forms a field, a plasma or aether, from which all activity arises. Because everything that exists arises from within this field of vibrational awareness, to participate in it more directly and more responsibly is to become a more complete and whole part not just of oneself, but of everything that happens in and around one.

Secondly, this is a mirror of the action of God himself. In the same way that I (perhaps) come to an organic sensation of myself which contains the fullness of being through the action of the microcosmos within which my awareness arises, so too does God come to an awareness of His own Being. 

In this sense, within our universe, every galaxy — that’s correct, galaxy — represents a cell. Or, perhaps even only a mere quanta of the arising fabric of His Being.

So perhaps this particular image selected for the post and this brief set of thoughts begins to establish a new basis for understanding my own nothingness.

God in His Being-body also has to make an effort to be in relationship with it and to understand the subtle cosmological underlying fabric of his transcendental material body through the same kind of sensation – awareness that I do. 

My own effort in that direction supports His effort. 

If one wants to understand the “fabric” of Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson perhaps one could begin with this set of premises, that throughout the universe and all the universes every being is engaged in a responsible action related to this requirement.

If you have time, think about this post in the context of the below post from 2021:

Wish and the Force of Holy Denying

with warm regards,


Lee van Laer is a Senior Editor at Parabola magazine.

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