Sunday, July 10, 2022

God's Presence


I would say a few more things about God's goodness this morning, because one must only talk about it when it is present.

God's goodness can be with us always. It is never very far away, for the soul that has a wish to be good; and even though our souls are creatures of sin, it is entirely possible for them to have a wish to be good. 

This is already enough to gain the attention of the Lord and for help to be sent.

That can come at any time, in any day or at any moment. It is not reserved for times of prayer or repentance. The characterizing feature of God's goodness is that it is abundant and merciful and omnipresent. The best literary source that speaks of this is Brother Lawrence's record, The Practice of the Presence of God.

I'll admit right up front that this is a high practice, and we cannot expect to become Brother Lawrence just because we admire his writing or the depth of his faith. But we can seek to follow his example, because it is so simple and so eloquently presented. I have always said that not much more is really necessary if one wishes to understand one’s place in the world and the extraordinary generosity which flows down into the creative world and into life itself from God.

To which I would say, do not attend to the mischief of the world and those in it who would do harm. Attend rather to yourself, and the love of God which can arise in you. This is the place in which our attention should be concentrated and our treasure should be stored.

God’s goodness is given without the expectation of return; it is given simply because God is already very good and already very merciful, and cares for us the way a mother cares for her daughter or a father cares for his son, only ever more so. We’re not just coarse creatures of the flesh; equally, we are God’s spiritual sons and daughters and we carry a fragment of his light in us always. Those who know this in the faith of their soul and the marrow of their bones do not forget it; and what is not forgotten is ever – present. It is always prepared to receive God when He comes.

Truly, I do not expect most people to understand this. When the grace of God is not present it is already hard enough for me to understand it, and the grace of God must by its very nature withdraw from time to time, else my own wish would grow weak. But when the grace of God flows in, then, yes, then, one can understand the bounty of creation and the mercy that fills it in every atom and molecule of its existence. And those are the moments in which the promise of faith is fulfilled.

Hoping that you find yourself in good relationship today,



Lee van Laer is a Senior Editor at Parabola Magazine.

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