Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Sense of the Planet, Part II


People speak of planetary influences as though they're something that’s far away and theoretical.

But if you have a good attention, you’ll see when you drink a glass of water that you’re under planetary influences. Your whole organism can be attuned to the inward flow of that influence in the water and the swallowing of it. If you’re receiving the higher energy properly, a whole range of energetic influences will be received and interact with each food you eat.

Drinking a glass of plain water can be a practice. Pay attention! Once you understand this in your organism, then you’ll understand something real about the planet we’re on. Not something built of dreams.

When you breathe the air, you’re also under planetary influences. Again, if you have a good attention in your body, you’ll understand this. Otherwise the matter in you that’s meant to receive higher influences, a higher rate of vibration, will be deadened. You’ll live, but you won’t receive any of the support that the planet is interested in giving you. 

It’s as though a meal is being served right in front of you now and you ignore it and walk away because you imagine there will be better food somewhere else, later. In fact the food you’re being served is already unfamiliar to you. It’s the basic higher food of the planet itself, and your participation in its presence. 

This is a different relationship to life than the ordinary one; but it is a correct a relationship, and if you don’t seek a correct relationship, you won’t ever actually know where you are, and what you're doing.

May you be well within today.


Lee van Laer is a Senior Editor at Parabola Magazine.

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