Friday, February 21, 2020

A list of Gurdjieff's laws

A list of the laws in the order they're introduced in Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, with the page numbers they're introduced on in the second edition.

This list is published in preparation for the next series of posts. It may not be perfect; there are some laws in the book that aren't true world-laws, but stuff various hasnamusses have made up; and this can be a bit confusing.  I'm not perfect, either, so I may have missed some things.  

1. Law of associations —p. 15
2. Law of falling—p. 66
3. Law of catching up—p. 83
4. Law of Triamazikamno (Law of 3)  p. 140
5. Law called “Heteratogetar”, “the-result-of-the-manifestation-is-proportionate-to-theforce-
of-striving-received-from-the-shock”. P. 169

6. World-law called “Symmetrical-entering”, p. 171

7. World-Law of reciprocal feeding of everything existing p. 172

8. World-law "Troemedekhfe” (reciprocally acting contact) p. 172

9. Law of ‘every -cause-gives-birth-to-its-corresponding-result’ p. 190

10. Law of soolionensius - p. 190

11. GOD forgives everything - this has even become a law in the World. p. 198

12. A certain lawfully flowing cosmic result, existing under the name of “predisposition” p. 237

13. Law of Heptaparaparshinokh (Law of 7) - p 273

14. Cosmic law called the ‘affinity of the number of the totality of vibrations’ p. 279

15. Laws of the influence of different planets of their solar system p. 288

Aka Law of sevenfoldness P. 461
AKA Law of dimensions p.476
AKA Law of ninefoldedness

16. Law of polarity —p 358

17. Cosmic-law-of-the equilibration-of-vibrations p. 388

18. Law of Daivibrizkar—law of the action of the vibrations arising in the atmosphere of enclosed spaces. P.467

Today, may your heart be close to the very God, 
and God very close to your heart.


Lee van Laer is a Senior Editor at Parabola Magazine.

19. Law of ty
picality p. 560

20. Cosmic law of 'self-adaption-of-Nature' p. 564

21. Cosmic law called 'Tenikdoa,' or as it is sometimes called the 'law of gravity, p. 728

22. Law of sane logic p. 736

23. Law of ‘affinity of vibrations’ p. 786

24. The Law of combination of colors'; p. 844

25. Law of the reciprocal maintenance of everything existing. 1094/5

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