Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Feeling-Basis of Existence— Notes on The Kingdom of Heaven, Part I

May 4, 2019

I’m back from China as of last night, and contemplating the Kingdom of Heaven within us.

One of the things that occurred to me last night on the plane was that everything Christ told us is true. 

Of course, some of it has to be understood allegorically — literal interpretations of his words that connect them directly to material things too often turn them into crude statements that attempt to put the treasures in them up on earth where they are corrupted.

We can understand “earth” in this sense to be the external, the outer world. Christ speaks to us of our inner world and the way it is arranged; and the Kingdom of Heaven is the inner place of conscious awareness within which our life is received: a spiritual lens with the ability to see into not only our own hearts, but God’s.

 God wants to be with us in every moment of our life and in every breath. It’s His most earnest wish. 

This is a living force that flows into us, not one of the innumerable intellectual constructions we erect around our presumptuous meanings. It is the actual meaning of life, not the theoretical one. And our life does have an active meaning with a deeply emotional base, which forms everything in the end.

I know that there’s a great risk here of getting lost in analysis and, once again, theory, but it must be said that love is the basis of all being and all existence and that there is no other force of creation or of existence. 

Materialistic rationalists don’t understand this; they would have love born of matter, whereas the absolute truth of the universe is that it is love before matter and all else. 

Love is what begins and ends everything; it is the Alpha and Omega. And it is this feeling-basis of existence that human beings were designed to come into contact with.

 Another thing that occurred to me last night on the plane was Christ’s great commandment (Matthew 22:35 – 40):

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.

 There is no greater truth than this truth. 

Wishing the best for you on this day,


Lee van Laer is a Senior Editor at Parabola Magazine.

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