Friday, December 7, 2018

This World Divided

All qualities are God’s.

We forget this so easily. I see every quality from one of two points of view: either it’s mine, or it belongs to someone else—to some material creature or being in the world outside me.

Now, if there is a finer rate of vibration available within me, ah, then—then I see how indelibly and utterly each thing I believe in actually belongs to God and no one else. But this is a rare state, and I’m only open to it through Grace. The rest of the time I’m a committed denizen of the world of creatures and oppositions. 

Yet all qualities belong to God and emanate from God; and it’s possible to become a participant in that understanding, such that every impression carries a sweetness within it that speaks of God alone. 

In this case the simplest of things is impossibly refined; and all of creation is suffused with a beautiful, exquisite sorrow that passes all understanding.  This is the essence, perhaps, of God Himself; and yet I understand it’s just a mere echo of His Being. 

Within this essence, all things are one; and yet I’m required over and over again to return to this world divided, from whence I venture forth again and again, according to the will and the whims of Grace, to meet God in His own domain, where I have no real right to tread.

November 9, 2018, Hangzhou, China

Wishing the best for you on this day,


Lee van Laer is a Senior Editor at Parabola Magazine.

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